Download Haris J - My Hero Terpopuler dan Gratis
Free Download Lagu Haris j - My Hero Terbaru - Selamat siang dan apa kabar sobat Afz_Musik, Admin harap kalian dalam keadaan baik-baik saja. Dan pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan mengshare sebuah lagu dari pemuda yang memiliki bakat yang bagus yaitu Haris J dengan judul lagu "My Hero". Lagu ini merupakan lagu yang diciptakan secara bersama-sama oleh Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain dan Baca Kherigi. Lirik dari lagu ini memiliki makna yang sangat dalam , kata hero mengacu pada Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai panutannya. Cocok banget nih lagu buat kalian sob, agar kalian senantiasa mendekatkan diri kepada panutan kita yaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW. Kunjungi Juga Download Lagu Baru Indonesia
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Lirik Lagu "My Hero"
You were always unselfish and sacrificed
Everything you risked to change life
Even when there was darkness
You broke the shackles and brought light
You called everyone to believe in Allah
O Muhammad! You are my
You are my hero, you are my hero
You are my hero, always my hero
It's the way that you smiled with serenity
And how you forgave all your enemies
I will always hold your love
And all your teachings in my heart
You called everyone to believe in Allah
O Muhammad! You are my
You are my hero, you are my hero
You are my hero, always my hero
You are my hero, you are my hero
You are my hero, always my hero
You are my hero and I'll keep you safe in my heart
You are my hero till the end and from the very start
You are my hero and you'll always be the best part
Of every single day, I will follow you
You are my hero and I'll keep you safe in my heart
You are my hero till the end and from the very start
You are my hero and you'll always be the best part
Of every single day, I will follow you
hero, you are my hero
hero, always my hero
You are my, you are my hero, you are my hero
You are my hero, always my hero
You are my hero, you are my hero
You are my hero, always my hero
You are my hero
You are my hero, always my hero
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